Scott Lightfoot, IFBB Pro
Meet Head Coach, Scott Lightfoot.
With over 20+yrs of bodybuilding experience, 4yrs of bodybuilding coaching and competing, my true passion is helping other athletes reach the stage and continue to perfect their physique with each and every competition.
I don’t work with just bodybuilders, I help clients who are considered “lifestyle” reach their goals of weightless, muscle building or just getting comfortable learning the gym and building a routine.
I am always continuing my education within my field to bring my clients the best results possible.
Shoot us an email with any questions and lets get you started!
-Coach Scott
Overall BB winner Phil Heath 2019
4th place BB North Americans
3rd place masters BB North Americans 2020
2nd place Masters BB Universe 2020
Overall BB winner masters 40 & 45 USA'S 2 procards 2020
3rd place Legions sports fest masters IFBB pro BB
4 years coaching
20+ years BB experience
2 GBO Procards won
Several National level competitors